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Am I eligible for a U Visa?

There are certain protections that the United States has put in place for those immigrants that have been the victim of a violent crime. Victims of domestic violence, assault, abduction, blackmail, torture, rape, and other violent crimes that caused physical and mental harm may be eligible to obtain lawful status in the United States. In order to become eligible for a U Visa, you must have helped a member of law enforcement in their investigation of the crime that has been committed against you.

In order to qualify for a U Visa, you must have been the direct victim of the crime. However, there are some rare instances in which the family members of a victim may be permitted to apply for a U Visa. If the victim of the crime has been murdered, seriously disabled, or is of a very young age, certain members of their family may be eligible as indirect victims. In addition, as the victim of a crime applying for a U Visa, you are required to assist police officers by answering questions and providing any information you have about the suspect, and possibly testifying in court.

There are a number of important applications that are necessary when it comes time to apply for a U Visa. You will be required to submit proof that you were harmed during the crime and proof that you assisted law enforcement in the investigation of the crime. In order to prove this, you can use photos, witness statements, medical records, police reports, court documents, and other similar options. The law enforcement that you assisted needs to sign a form stating that you were beneficial in assisting in the investigation. You must also provide a written statement that explains how you were harmed and how you provided law enforcement with assistance in the investigation.

If you have questions about obtaining a U Visa, contact our firm today.